ER FlexComfort

The ELACIN ER FlexComfort (often called musician earplugs) is a hearing protector with a revolutionary filter that provides a flat attenuation over the frequency range between 125 and 8000Hz.
Because of the flat attenuation the 'noise' keeps its natural sound, without any distortion. It is similar to turning down the volume of a radio.
For that reason the ER FlexComfort is extremely useful for musicians and people who are working in an area were natural sounds are very important.

Standard hearing protectors are not suitable because most of the hearing protectors are attenuating more than is required and too much attenuation in the higher frequencies distorts the sound of speech and music.
All ELACIN ER FlexComfort hearing protectors are manufactured from the soft FlexFit material (hardness 60 Shore).
There are 3 different ER FlexComfort filters to choose from:
  • ER9 : attenuation approx. 9 dB(A)
  • ER15 : attenuation approx. 15 dB(A)
  • ER25 : attenuation approx. 25 dB(A)

The filters are of the same size and can be interchanged very easily. The ER FlexComfort will be delivered in the standard clear transparent colour, but another colour is also possible.
It can be delivered in the colours red, blue, yellow, black, beige or transparent green. We also offer special headphones that can be inserted in the ER moulds to use them as in-ear-monitors or for just listening to a perfect music quality (See ACS products)

For more background information, please have a look at these pages:

- What are Muscians Earplugs?

- Auckland University researches ER-20s Musicians Earplugs

Applications of use

  • Musicians
  • DJ’s
  • Dentists
  • Pilots
  • Air attendants
  • Balloon sailors
  • Staff and visitors of disco’s and bars
  • Visitors to rock concerts and house party’s



  • No distortion of the sound
  • Filters interchangeable
  • Soft and very light
  • Perfect fit, so very comfortable
  • No pressure in or on the ear canal
  • Speech and environmental sounds stay intact
  • Choice of filter depending on the noise level
  • Nearly invisible in the ear
  • Simple to fit and remove from the ear canal
  • Easy to clean
  • OSH approved